Tuesday, August 31, 2010



happy Independence Day's for Malaysia
and I'm proudly to be Malaysian

terkenang budi pada para pejuang tanah air
yg bertungkus-lumus dengan mengorbankan
darah sendiri semata-mata utk memerdekakan tanah air
drpd belenggu penjajah yg menindas Malaysia selama beratus
tahun lamanya...

I don't understand what's the meaning of "merdeka" today??
supposed after 53 long years we've free
we need to be matured
look at some teenagers nowadays
so pathetic
[i'm included i think...=( ]
I say this because
there's too much social problem take place
among young men and women
they seems don't perceive the intended meaning of
for them on "merdeka's" night
they just having fun

they need to think deep
and learn as much as they can
get all the knowledge
because they're the one who's gonna
lead Malaysia one day

but with the social problem now
they put Malaysia in a risk
for the reasons that
we didn't see young men and women who can become leader
of course there is someone who can be
but small in number

I just feels of expectations
that this harmful matter
does not occur among them anymore
and hope Malaysia
will achieve
"Wawasan 2020"

Monday, August 23, 2010

'bout me...

...I Muhammad Faiq proudly say that I love being myself no matter what...

before that,I just simple guy with biggest hope
and my hope are...(P&C)

I just filled with bewilderment with the people around me
I say this because some people couldn't accept me as
who I'm,I don't know why is that so
perhaps they see me as the arrogant person
I don't even know why

this is not my emotional states
but I think,it is fact
let me give an example for this
as I walk around by myself,I noticed that some people
look at me with the feels of hatred

as I kind of person that want to be better
I really want to know so badly
why they feel that way towards me
or it just maybe my feelings
or 'perasan'..
but deeply it is not
(i think)

for somehow I just think
'just be it'
but it's not confirming to a standard to me

so,I really hope that,if someone
didn't like me
just tell me what is my error of judgement
I'll try to change it so it become my lesson

Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.
Elmer G. Letterman

Monday, August 9, 2010


dpt jugak 'jmpe' dgn bulan Ramadhan pada
tahun ni

ni lah antre harapan ku
Ramadhan kali ni

hope Ramadhan kali ni
puasa ku diterime+diberkati oleh Allah
bkn ku aje
seluruh umat Islam di pelusuk dunie ni

ku harap lg Ramadhan kali ni
lbh baik drpd thn sblom ni
bkn ape
klu sblom2 ni,puase pon kte x dpt thn nafsu
mmg la..smue makhluk2 yg keji tu xde
nafsu kte ade..
kdg2 manusie mmg klh pd nafsu
nafsu ni mmg akan mendorong kte buat jht
sebagus-bagus manusie
adlh manusie yg x klh pada nafsu sendiri
hope dptla ku kawal nafsu ku

selain tu..
ku harap ku dapat bykkn amalan2 sunat
klu dpt buat amalan2 sunat,x la buang mase..

harapan yg minor
1)dapat berjimat
2)dapat turunkan berat badan(heheheh)
3)dapat terus bertenaga walaupon berpuase
4)dapat fokus lg kpd study
5)dapat tgk kegembiraan org laen berpuase

so,selamat berpuase kpd umat Islam di dunie ni...
bkn setakat puase dari segi x mkn
puase dr segi smue aspek...

Sunday, August 8, 2010


aku dilahirkan sbg lelaki
dalam Islam,lelaki adalah pemimpin
tp smue manusie dalam dunie adalah pemimpin
x kre lelaki atau perempuan

nk dijadikan cerita..
aku sampi skrg sedang mencari-cari
mencari-cari ape?
aku sedang mencari-cari aku pny 'leadership'
bkn ape,smue org ade sikap kepimpinan
tp sesetengah org x nmpk
sesetengah plak nmpk

bg aku,aku x nmpk lg dlm diri aku
sbb tu aku cari
tp still dlm proses
sbb bnde ni sukar

sikap kepimpinan
adalah 1 yg sukar sbnrnye..
klu kte jd pemimpin,smue phk kte kne puaskn hati
nk puaskn hati smue pihak mmg ssh
tp klu dh jd pemimpin,kne gak puaskn
walaubagaimana sekalipon

tp klu nk jd pemimpin
kne ade sikap2 ni:
3)x berat sblh
4)xde geng2 yg tersendri
5)bergaul ngn smue org
7)teliti dlm segala aspek
8)ambil berat
9)dgr pendapat org laen
10)bersikap terbuke
byk agy sbnrnye..ni adalah separuh drpdnye

ape yg aku harapkn nnt
aku akan jd pemimpin yg diberkati+diredhai
oleh ALLAH

x kre la ape jns pimpinan
yg pasti
smue manusie
ade tanggujwb msg2
dan perlu memimpin
tanggungjwb tersebut
dgn sebaik2nye..

'pimpinlah org2 disekelilingmu,dgn harapan,mereka akn mengikut
jejak langkahmu sbg pemimpin,tp pimpinlah diri mu
terlbh dahulu mengikut ajaran Islam'